Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11 in Room 11

  • Mrs. Craig, sadly, was not at school today. Our sub was Mrs. O'Reilly. The students agree that she is pretty nice, although nobody quite comes up to Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Craig smiles sooo much.
  • The second grade is learning about biographies. Yesterday they read about Theodore Roosevelt, today they read about Dr. Seuss, and highlighted important facts from his life.
  • P.E. today.
  • As the class begins to wrap up their cake making unit, they drew pictures of themselves eating cake.
  • Room 11-ers were promised one HillBill each if they could manage to not talk for five minutes until everyone finished a math test. They made it for three. They'll have more opportunities to practice this exercise in the future. It's a skill needed for the third grade.
  • Students read about dental health with the teacher. They practiced brushing their teeth and discussed healthy food choices and dental habits.

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