Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10 in Room 11

  • In math class, students teamed up to play a subtraction game.
  • Later, each child worked on a paper alone to see how well everyone understands borrowing.
  • Much of the day was filled with the field trip to Marshfield High School where Really Rosie was playing. The musical captivated the second graders, providing intriguing experiences for everyone.
  • In the afternoon, the children wrote sentences and drew pictures of what they had done in the morning, and what their favorite part of the play was.
  • The class also did a Smart Board project showing the differences and similarities between Chocolate Chip Cake and Dutch Apple Cake. They had an opportunity to review past notes and learned to include commas in their lists.
  • Many children are also earning points at recess. Ryan, Logan, Teron, Dylan, Adolfo and Zachary already have ten miles under their belts and Devin is well on his way to two marathons! Devin says his favorite subjects are running and whisper reading.

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