Tuesday, May 25, 2010

  • At Hillcrest, students enrolled as English language learners are often referred to as "ELLs." It is a quick and easy "nickname," not an official name. I am so proud of them!

  • This week all students at school are being "Dibbled." That word is a shortened form af a type of test we use to help us learn more about a students reading skills. The actual name of the test is "Dynamic Indicaters of Basic Early Literacy Skills" (D.I.B.E.L.S)," or "Dibels" for short.

  • In this test, each child performs quick reading tasks one-on-one with a teacher. This gives teachers a better idea of how to best serve the needs of individual students.

  • Most ELL students learned how to find this blog today. I have a magic word. If a student opens this blog and knows the magic word of the day, he or she will get a Hillbill.

  • The magic word for today is Read.

  • English Language Learners are asked to check in at Ellen's Room (our ELL room) in the morning to get their homework checked by Mrs. Ocana or Mrs. Stebbins. If homework is finished, they earn a star on their homework charts. If they get five stars, they get a treat. If they earn a block full of stars (thirty), they may choose a special prize.

  • Even if homework is not completed, students are urged to stop by Ellen's Room. They will at least get a dot on their charts, which counts as part of a star, a warm greeting, a chance to chat with their friends, and a maybe a little pep-talk from the teachers. It's a happy time of day.
  • Remember the magic word! Its only good for Wednesday!

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