Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5 in Room 11

  • Although the title for today says "in Room 11," it should more aptly read "out and about from Room 11."
  • The teacher finished reading The Adventures of the Backyard Sleep-out."
  • The teacher then checked and re-checked which children had ordered lunches and which brought their own. Sure enough there was a mistake. Then she checked to see if everyone had paid their $2.00 to pay for the swimming pool and took care of that. Next she checked to see which parents were indeed accompanying everyone to the swimming pool. Whew. That was a lot of checking!
  • The class walked down the Chicken Walk to the swimming pool.
  • The second-graders-soon-to-be-third-graders swam, jumped, leaped, swung, splashed, dunked, paddled, teased, floated and laughed with their friends in the North Bend Swim Pool. Thank-you to the pool staff for their vigilance. No one was lost.
  • Walking back up the Chicken Walk was an challenge and I am sad to say there were whiners every step of the way. I am proud to say that the whiners were not the teachers.
  • Spelling test...not yet corrected.
  • Senteo test on Weekly Reader about women's accomplishments. Students are getting the hang of using the "clickers" (remotes).
  • This is the schedule for the rest of the year: Monday--Bowling 10:00-11:00; Tuesday, Library, Fire Department, Park for lunch and back to school; Field day and a movie in the afternoon.
  • Marathon Stand-outs received medals.
  • Tawnie won the Student Camp Learned-a-Lot Bubble Gum Bubble Blowing Contest at campfire. Yayyyy, Tawnie! Mrs. Bryant won the teachers' contest. Yayy, Mrs. Bryant!!!

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