Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2 in Room 11

  • The day began with rousing camp songs in music class.
  • Students made camp-name necklaces.
  • Teacher read-aloud The Adventure of the Backyard Sleep-Out.
  • There was no math today because students needed to work on their final writing about their beach trip.
  • The class divided into five different teams to play M.A.R.E. Jeopardy with Mr. Dunn this afternoon. They were asked questions about science topics from throughout the year. Congratulations to the Back Group, who won with 150 points!
  • Mr. Dunn was very pleased that all the groups earned over 110 points because it showed that everyone learned and remembered a lot of what he taught this year. Everyone clapped for Mr. Dunn, agreeing that he is a really great teacher.
  • Because science class ran so late, Room 11-ers did not get to go to "campfire" this afternoon. However, when science was over, the class brushed up on the words to "Do your Ears Hang Low?" especially the second verse, which begins, "Do your ears flip-flop, can you use 'em like a mop?" Then they sang it faster and faster until they were out of breath.
  • There were five Mystery Scrap winners this afternoon.

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