Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10 in Room 11

  • There were so many gum-chewers in reading class today, it was hard to do oral reading! I That's actually a pretty good thing.
  • Room 11-ers had music in the morning.
  • Some of the fourth-graders made a short animated video to advertise the carnival. The second graders viewed it and thought it was pretty cool. Can't wait to get to fourth grade!
  • Money counting is still a topic during math.
  • Addition and subtraction facts are taking a front seat in math, too. Some students are really beginning to stand out for their ability to finish their mad minute facts both quickly and accurately. They should be proud of themselves.
  • Speaking of pride, Devin has been running like Phidippides at lunch recess. He runs close to three miles each lunch period and will have his third marathon very soon. It's another reason to be proud.
  • Students wrote a four-square organizational paper about the marathon program at Hillcrest. Next week they will write a paragraph using their notes from their four-square paper.
  • The children made paper bag bunnies this afternoon.

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