Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5 in Room 11

  • The ant farm is set up and ready to go . The children are avid myrmecologists who have been inspecting, commenting, observing and recording ant information in their personal ant booklets all day.
  • Many students will be bringing home a crossword puzzle of their vocabulary and spelling words as homework. This size of a crossword is a new experience for most of them.
  • This morning the smell of popcorn permeated the school, producing envy amid second grade hall inhabitants. This was the smell of success--Room 11 students had earned a popcorn party and a cartoon as a behavior reward. The cartoon, Officer Buckle and Gloria, coincidentally matched the story they have been working on in literature class this week!
  • Library today. Craft books, especially the ones with paper folding and construction, are flying off the shelves, ending up in many desks in room 11, where they are consulted and attempted whenever time allows. (And even when it doesn't). Students are building some amazing creatures and machines.
  • The last hour of the day found second graders as busy as little ants, cutting, gluing and assembling their space projects in art class. Most paintings include a satellite, a planet and a constellation, each piece researched by the artist.

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