- Spelling test--wow! Great spellers this week, and the words were a challenge!!
- Second graders sang their hearts out in music class.
- The class watched a Magic School Bus video about ants. It was called "Ants in Your Pants."
- A paper about opposites, called "Ant-o-nyms" became a really fun challenge once the students caught on how it was to be done. There were no hints!
- The rubber is hitting the road in math. Students are expected to finish nearly thirty-five examples of regroup and subtract. Many of them must complete it as homework this weekend.
- Top Dog Logan pulled sticks from the basket as contestants tried their hands at deciding which characteristic matched the seals and which one matched the sea lions. They slid their answers around on the SmartBoard.
- Students are working on a Venn diagram for sorting out pinniped characteristics.
- Each second grader is bringing a yellow note home with a permission slip to sign. The second grade has an opportunity to attend a children's musical at Marshfield on March 10 and it is hoped that all of them will be able to go.
Friday, February 27, 2009
February 27 in Room 11
Thursday, February 26, 2009
February 26 in Room 11
- Teacher finished reading Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, Very Bad Day. Many of the students could really relate to Alexander.
- In the computer lab, students began typing in previously-written comments about their favorite place in the school.
- Thanks to Mrs. Stallings for helping with art. It was a very paint-y affair, and the students have accomplished some lovely pieces so far. Outlining and details are next.
- A positive report: no water was dumped on the floor today and no one tipped over in his or her chair.
- Names of gum chewers were omitted yesterday. Here they are: Riley, Colby, Jonathan, Ryan, Kelsey, Trinity, Dylan, Meagan, Devin, Jacob, Logan, Garrett.
- Zoe, who moved away, has happily rejoined our class.
- Groups of students worked together to make their own word sorts.
- Library today
- Many students finished their art projects early and were able to make little paper Abraham Lincoln figures.
- The P.T.A. is sponsoring a cookie-dough fund-raiser. Students brought home the catalogues today. A letter telling about benefits to the school accompanies the promotional information. Speaking from personal experience, the cookie dough is really terrific.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
February 25 in Room 11
- First thing in the morning, right after flag salute and lunch count: P.E. Yayyy!
- Although it was indoor recess because the playground was full of puddles, at lunch recess, Room 11 went outside to throw the ball for Babe.
- Pre-test in spelling.
- Still working on The Great Ball Game, a Native American story.
- The class did more practice on subtraction and regrouping. Students can make voices to tell the story of the Ones Guy who goes over to the Tens Guy to borrow a ten so he/she can subtract.
- Students got out of school two hours early today.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
February 24 in Room 11
- Music
- The class completed a cause and effect chart about The Great Ball Game."
- Regrouping in subtraction (borrowing) began today.
- Mrs. Craig began to read Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good Day.
- After recording taste, touch, sound, sight and smell of the Dutch Apple Cake, and draw a scientific drawing of their piece, the second graders got to eat a slice. Several students requested the recipe. It is for a bread-maker, but could probably be adapted to an oven using a large-size bread pan and baking at 350 degree oven
- Students teamed into green and yellow groups for a competition using their knowledge of pinnipeds.
Monday, February 23, 2009
February 23 in Room 11
- The class reviewed this week's vocabulary and listened to the story The Great Ball Game.
- P.E. class consisted of stations: hula-hoops, jump-ropes, pogo balls, and shooting hoops. IT WAS FUN!
- Mrs. Craig paid out ten extra minutes of recess as a reward this morning.
- Borrowing is beginning in math. Students subtracted by tens today.
- The class made Dutch Apple Cake. Each student had and opportunity to add one ingredient. Brynn turned on the bread maker. The cake was baking when school adjourned for the day. Monica and Meagan both took long sniffs of the baking cake and said they would hold the smell in their noses.
- The class divided into two teams and competed in a pinniped fact contest. The team with the most points won.
Friday, February 20, 2009
February 20 in Room 11
- Music--there are so many enthusiastic singers in this room!
- Students did an ant word search.
- The teacher read aloud "Two Bad Ants" by Chris Van Allsburg. A group discussion followed on character perspective and the way in which things look different to ants and humans.
- Final Spelling test
- The completed animal research reports turned out wonderful!!
- More writing: students wrote about what is their favorite place in this school. Topics ranged from the playground to the office (ofis) and places in between.
- Students completed their subtraction pattern paper. If the answers are correct, and students follow the directions on an answer key by coloring each answer box the right way, a pattern appears.
- Some of the students read Weekly Readers and took a Senteo computer test using remotes. Mrs. Stebbins is learning this learning technique right along with the students.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
February 19 in Room 11
- Library day.
- Journal writing assignment was about being a good sport
- Each child labeled an ant diagram with ant anatomy.
- Students began researching state of Oregon in the computer lab. Required to find stat capital, flower, bird, and other Oregon facts. (Amazing how many students thought the capital of Oregon is "O!")
- Animal research writing continues. Most students are on their final draft.
- The class completed a weekly crossword puzzle of this week's spelling and vocabulary words.
- Children painted a favorite place in the school. More work on this art project next week.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
February 18 in Room 11
- The class did an ABC order paper today.
- Babe played with everyone at recess. Sarah, Teron and Logan tossed the ball between the cones, quite an accomplishment!
- Pre-test self-corrections produced these Gum Chewers: Garrett, Meagan, Trinity, Ryan, Jonathan, Dylan, Devin, Krissy, Logan and Colby. Woo-hoo!
- The animal research project is going great guns.
- There were exciting relay races in P.E.
- The two-column subtraction practice went smoothly today.
- Journals in hand, room 11-ers took a tour of the school as part of a fact-finding mission this afternoon. They were to choose their favorite place at school, make a sketch, and write about it. Tomorrow they will be drawing and painting this special place.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
February 17 in Room 11
- After working for weeks on regrouping the tens when adding, the class tried two digit subtracting without any regrouping today. Pandemonium! Everyone forgot how to subtract!!!! Luckily, Mrs Craig offered a few gentle reminders, Mrs. Stebbins helped with completing worksheets, and calm was restored.
- Mr. Dunn explained the difference between sea lions and seals. He showed pictures and some short videos. Then, students filled in pictorial charts, labeling pinniped body parts. Those who finished early drew whales and labeled them, too.
- Music was today.
- Students colored, cut and glued ant life cycles.
- Ant observations continue, with students looking for specific changes in tunnels, ant numbers and eating habits.
- Instead of Walk-to-Read this week, second graders remain in their own classrooms to gather information and write about their assigned animal.
- In researching animals, students have books from which they find characteristics, habits, habitat, food and behaviors of animals. Later they may be allowed to use computers for further fact-finding. Not only are students learning to read for information and how to write a research report, they are also learning fascinating animal facts.
Friday, February 13, 2009
February 13 in Room 11
- Hillcrest School celebrated Valentine's Day today. Friendships are so important!
- In the morning second graders did a Valentine's Day word search.
- Mrs. Craig read "These Amazing Ants" aloud.
- Our own ants are slowly building a tunnel. They would work faster if the room were warm all the time. It is still fun to watch them.
- Students took their final spelling test today.
- Room 11-ers watched a video about George Washington.
- In music, they played a game. Musical, of course.
- Students worked a math pattern puzzle. The answers provided the clues for the puzzle solution.
- After the afternoon recess, the class relaxed, passed out Valentines, chatted and frosted cookies. Thank-you to all those who donated frosting, sprinkles, and time!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
February 12 in Room 11
- In honor of president's day, the third graders gave a presentation to Room 11 about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
- Students discussed topic, main idea and details as they created an ice cream sundae chart based on the subject, "dessert."
- The second graders are learning about ant anatomy.
- They also read about bats in a Weekly Reader and filled out a chart showing the topic, main idea and details.
- The young artists and crafts persons built their own extra-large Valentine envelope with a window in it. It will be used to hold the Valentines they receive tomorrow during our party.
- Many of the children chose new library books today.
- Because so many are sick, there were only fourteen students in our room today!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
February 11 in Room 11
- Kickball was played in P.E.
- Ant observations continue.
- Pre-spelling test today--gum-chewers are Adolpho, Logan, Colby, Jonathan, Krissy, Trinity, Teron, Jacob and Meagan. You guys rock!
- Each student signed up for an "ANT" word to illustrate for the class "ANT" book.
- A brass ensemble from southwestern Community College demonstrated their instruments and played music for the entire student body in the gym. The students in room 11 really have a fine ear for music. they were good listeners and an appreciative audience.
- The classroom Sandy Beach mural received a wrack line today. More sea wrack is being constructed.
- Babe came to school today and would rather have had a chance to play at recess, but because of the concert, she had to stay in her kennel for the afternoon. Some boys played with her at lunch recess, though. Thank-you, fellas. And Babe thanks you.
- Hillcrest students each received a free ticket to the Bulldog vs. Douglas basketball game this Friday. The high school games are fun, and an excellent opportunity to show support and school spirit.
- For the Valentine's party on Friday, students will be frosting Valentine cookies. Each student will be asked to help out by bringing a can of ready-made frosting to school. What is not used this week will be used for another project in the near future.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
February 10 in Room 11
- Room 11 had a substitute teacher today. Her name is Mrs. Spring. She taught school a long time ago with Mrs. Stebbins at North Bay
- The class worked on regrouping in math.
- They cut out pictures of an egg, larva, pupa and adult, then pasted a correctly sequenced life cycle of an ant onto another paper.
- The class watched a video of pinnipeds for science.
- Students reviewed the meaning of "sea wrack" and saw some photos of Babe below the North Bend bridge with sea wrack in the background.
- Mrs. Spring helped the class to complete a crossword puzzle of the spelling and vocabulary words for the week.
Monday, February 9, 2009
February 9 in Room 11
- Did anybody notice that IT SNOWED? Yes, right in the middle of reading class.
- The class did one more practice paper with regrouping an extra ten befor moving on to the next step in carrying.
- Most of the children finished their writing about what workers at school do. It was part of a project learning about how to write details.
- The reading story this week is called ANT.
- As a special treat related to last week's reading theme, Furry Friends visited the classroom. These working dogs help trainers teach children how to treat animals well. The children learned about pet safety and care and had a chance to pet and snuggle with these helping dogs. They sure are friendly!
- The class finished the rainbow face heart project.
- Mrs. Craig read a book called Antics, in which every word has the word "ant" in it. Students will be choosing their favorite "ant" word from a list and illustrating it to make a page for a class Ant Book. So far, the favorite word seems to be "Mrs. BryANT!"
Friday, February 6, 2009
February 6 in Room 11
- Math: still weorking on regrouping. Today their papers had a lighthouse on them.
- The ants are proving to be as industrious as thier reputation. They are building mounds and tunnels.
- Students wrote "sloppy copies" of the writing they are doing on school community.
- The second graders will be joining the rest of the students at Hillcrest in Marathon Madness, which begins on Monday. This is a challenge encouraging students to run laps during their recess time. They can earn points and prizes.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
February 5 in Room 11
- The ant farm is set up and ready to go . The children are avid myrmecologists who have been inspecting, commenting, observing and recording ant information in their personal ant booklets all day.
- Many students will be bringing home a crossword puzzle of their vocabulary and spelling words as homework. This size of a crossword is a new experience for most of them.
- This morning the smell of popcorn permeated the school, producing envy amid second grade hall inhabitants. This was the smell of success--Room 11 students had earned a popcorn party and a cartoon as a behavior reward. The cartoon, Officer Buckle and Gloria, coincidentally matched the story they have been working on in literature class this week!
- Library today. Craft books, especially the ones with paper folding and construction, are flying off the shelves, ending up in many desks in room 11, where they are consulted and attempted whenever time allows. (And even when it doesn't). Students are building some amazing creatures and machines.
- The last hour of the day found second graders as busy as little ants, cutting, gluing and assembling their space projects in art class. Most paintings include a satellite, a planet and a constellation, each piece researched by the artist.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
February 3 in Room 11
- Music, music, music!
- Mrs. Craig has arranged a display on the table in the front of the room with pictures and books about ants and the way they live. Soon our class will be getting an ant farm. Then everyone will be able to watch live ants in action!
- The second graders got something new to go with their reading this morning: a crossword puzzle with vocabulary and spelling words. Its a new skill for them to learn.
- In math, as the children learn to move the regrouped ten over to the ten's place, the helpful little box above the other tens has disappeared! Now they must carry their regrouped tens over with no reminders. This development did not seem to faze them.
- Mr. Dunn taught a lesson about tides. He had the class play a game outside. First students sat in a circle. Mr. Dunn held the "moon." Then, as he walked around the outside of the circle, students stood up as he moved close to them and stoop as the moon traveled away around the circle. After that demonstration, the class stood on the hill outside of school and looked at the mud flats which were visible because of the low tide.
- Babe came to school today.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Groundhog Day in Room 11
- The new reading theme beginning today is "Amazing Animals." The day began with Mrs. Craig reading a story about Aero, the K-9 Officer. Then the class read poems about animals.
- Journal entries were poems about animals using the letters in the animal's name.
- In case anyone missed it, today is also Groundhog Day. It looks like this winter will be a long one, as Mr. Groundhog surely saw his shadow and dove right back down into his burrow for another six weeks of snoozing. To celebrate this legend, the class made stand-up groundhogs, just for fun.
- Students played the much-requested game of dodgeball in P.E.
- They listened to Mrs. Craig read the story "Groundhog Day."
- In math, students set up two column addition problems, then solved them by regrouping.
- They wrote sentences about what the maintenance people do here at Hillcrest.
- Valentine's class lists will be arriving at home soon.
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