Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23 in Room 11

  • Mrs Craig and Mrs. Stebbins went to school themselves today. Mr. Kim Griffin was our substitute. Our regular teachers love us so much that they came back to school after their classes to see what kind of a day we had.
  • The bad news: some of the students had their colors changed and owed time.
  • The good news: Mr. Griffin taught just what was needed and saw to it that everyone was in the right place at the right time throughout the day.
  • When Mrs. Craig and Mrs. Stebbins looked over the spelling pre-tests, they were surprised and delighted to find how many students had earned gum-chewing privileges...until they noticed that Mr. Griffin had forgotten to take down the posted weekly spelling list!
  • In math students learned about solid figures, faces, corners and edges.
  • Mr. Griffin read The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.
  • Most students should be proficient in printing the letters Aa through Gg. Test tomorrow! Orange enrichment students didn't get to practice letters. They shouldn't worry about a penmanship test.
  • Children are still working on cards for our Marines. Reading their messages and viewing their pictures is a touching and enlightening experience.
  • We still need glass jars. wood, wire and nails.
  • We had Computers and Library today. Thursdays are favorite days for many occupants of room 11.

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