- Halloween! Hooray! Did you notice? We did! The kids in Room 11 were treated to a Halloween party by their teachers, terrific parents and grandparents. We had candy, cookies, games, juice, and enough commotion to satisfy the most exuberant adrenaline junkie.
- Before the Halloween revelries officially began, however, we did have some education going on in Room 11.
- Mrs. Craig read more of James and the Giant Peach.
- In math we we reviewed, and did a paper on least to greatest numbers (with a spider theme).
- We took our spelling test.
- Many of the children learned to make "ampersands," "serifs," and "asterisks" this week. We also learned a little about Latin.
- Notices were sent home with directions about swimming, which is offered as a class to second graders at Hillcrest. Our class will be swimming from November 10 through November 21. The students will be riding the bus to the pool each morning at about 8:20 and returning to school at 10:00. Each child will need a swimsuit in a plastic bag each day. Towels will be provided. As the weather is turning colder, coats are reccommended.
- If students wish to trick or treat at my house I live at 462 Simpson. Red house, blue door.
Friday, October 31, 2008
October 31 in Room 11
Thursday, October 30, 2008
October 30 in Room 11
- Students wrote Halloween stories first thing in the morning.
- Everyone practiced measuring things in the classroom during math time.
- As we listen to James and the Giant Peach, the peach continues growing to an amazing size. Second graders have finished decorating their Read-Aloud folders.
- During computer time, we practiced opening Word, typing in the word "Halloween," and highlighting it to change sizes and fonts.
- We finished gluing on eyes, noses and mouths to our Halloween lanterns. We got to take them home.
- We got new library books this afternoon.
- At the end of the day, students wrote one sentence about their Halloween costumes on each of eight paper spider legs. The legs were fan-folded and glued onto a silly spider body.
- As one twirling, wiggling youngster informed his teacher today, "Tomorrow is Halloween." (Do you know what I have to say about that information?...."Duh.")
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
October 29 in Room 11
- In Reading: more time studying fact and opinion. Kids are getting pretty good at knowing the difference.
- Pre-test in Spelling: Students write the test in marker and the class corrects mistakes together. That way, students get immediate feedback, which helps them to retain the correct spelling longer.
- We played Frog Pond in P.E.
- Second graders have graduated from measuring in inches to measuring in feet.
- Note-passing has become a problem in Room 11, so we had a class meeting about how that activity is not only distracting, but it spreads bad feelings.
- As Mrs. Craig reads James and the Giant Peach, students note the personality traits of each of the characters in the story. They are beginning to keep their observations in a special folder.
- We had our hearing tested in the library.
- Second graders sure can find a lot of different ways to fold a paper! As part of a science project, we folded and cut paper in sections to make a little book. Then the students drew pictures of things that might be found at the beach, adding two sentences explaining each item. Some students brought these projects home to finish.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
October 28 in Room 11
- Today we had music, music, music!
- Students were given writing journals and Mrs. Craig helped the class to make their first entries--some thoughts on their favorite color.
- We sang a silly rhyming song with students' names.
- We began to compile folders which will contain activities connected with teacher-read book, James and the Giant Peach.
- Some of the students made up their own "facts" and "opinions" to share.
- Students measured parts of their bodies as part of our math measurement unit. The average ear size in Room 11 seems to be about two inches, and the distance between most elbows and wrists is between seven and eight inches.
- Nurse Carrie and her nurse helpers did health screening today. We took off our shoes to get weighed and measured, then had our eyes, skin and teeth checked.
Monday, October 27, 2008
October 27 in Room 11
- Students practiced writing this week's spelling words as bellwork.
- We began learning about measuring by using large and small paper clips as units of measurement.
- This week's Reading story was Exploring Parks With Ranger Dockett.
- We listened to the story and talked about the facts discussed in the selection. Then the class talked about how an opinion is different from a fact.
- We learned six new vocabulary words.
- Free time for good behavior!
- In P.E. we are getting better and better at dodgeball.
- As a preliminary to the construction of our space communication systems, we made up skits about what kinds of problems a space traveler might have and how that problem could be fixed.
Friday, October 24, 2008
- Confession time: I falsely accused our little second grade angels of getting 100's on their spelling tests because the spelling chart had inadvertently been left up. However, I was informed that Logan had taken the list down during the test, and put it back up after the tests had been taken and collected. I beg forgiveness for having harbored such bad thoughts.
- In math we reviewed solid shapes and introduced estimation.
- For anyone interested, a square pyramid has triangle sides and a square bottom. It also has five faces, eight edges, and five corners. (The top corner, or peak, is really called the apex, but second graders don't have to know that.)
- Students listened very carefully to a story about a nice little witch who builds a house that, when opened, turns into a jack-o-lantern. Following directions carefully results in a cut-out paper jack-o-lantern. Second graders, can you repeat this task at home?
- We also needed to be careful this afternoon as we make Halloween candle lanterns. We "painted" liquid starch and tissue paper onto a jar. Later we will glue faces on them. They will be terrific decorations for a Halloween table!
- Our book orders have finally arrived.
- Although we do not wear costumes to school on Halloween, it is crazy hat day. So find something really crazy and wear it on Friday!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
October 23 in Room 11
- Mrs Craig and Mrs. Stebbins went to school themselves today. Mr. Kim Griffin was our substitute. Our regular teachers love us so much that they came back to school after their classes to see what kind of a day we had.
- The bad news: some of the students had their colors changed and owed time.
- The good news: Mr. Griffin taught just what was needed and saw to it that everyone was in the right place at the right time throughout the day.
- When Mrs. Craig and Mrs. Stebbins looked over the spelling pre-tests, they were surprised and delighted to find how many students had earned gum-chewing privileges...until they noticed that Mr. Griffin had forgotten to take down the posted weekly spelling list!
- In math students learned about solid figures, faces, corners and edges.
- Mr. Griffin read The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.
- Most students should be proficient in printing the letters Aa through Gg. Test tomorrow! Orange enrichment students didn't get to practice letters. They shouldn't worry about a penmanship test.
- Children are still working on cards for our Marines. Reading their messages and viewing their pictures is a touching and enlightening experience.
- We still need glass jars. wood, wire and nails.
- We had Computers and Library today. Thursdays are favorite days for many occupants of room 11.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
October 22 in Room 11
- There was a substitute teacher in Room 11.
- Mrs. Craig and Mrs. Stebbins left plans for students to do while they were attending a reading conference.
- Making a Venn diagram about Henry and Mudge was part of the plan.
- We have been working on geometric shapes in math class. Today was solid shapes.
- All of the second grades had different teachers today. Life in our hall was pretty different!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
October 21 in Room 11
- The kids in Mrs. Lojkovic's class are searching for the owner of a beautiful calico kitten they found before school this morning.
- Mr. Dunn brought pails of sand as samples from the sandy beach to our room. We sifted through the sand, gathering things that we found buried there. Then we sorted these items into categories showing how they are alike. We found shells, rocks, sticks and trash.
- Our class is making cards for our troops in Iraq. We'll be working on this class project for several weeks, at which time we will send them overseas to cheer some marine during the holidays. Many of the students expressed gratitude to our soldiers for fighting to protect freedom.
- We held a Kids Election in our own room. Even though second graders are kids and can't vote, they have opinions. Holding an election, although it doesn't really count, makes everyone feel like they are participating in supporting our country. Here are the results. (Three students did not vote.) McCain 9, Obama 12. I logged these numbers onto the Weekly Reader website. It will be interesting to see how youngsters all over the country vote.
- We are reviewing the "magic e," as our spelling pattern.
- Many of the students find geometry really fun. A review test was administered today.
Monday, October 20, 2008
October 20 in Room 11
- Filth exposed and treasures discovered!! Second graders cleaned their desks today.
- The most efficient and task-oriented cleaners had time to work on a Halloween puzzle.
- Our reading story for the week is Henry and Mudge. With this story begins a new reading theme for the term: Nature Walk.
- Taking a break from computing and calculating, we sampled geometry today. We learned the differences between flips, turns and slides.
- Tomorrow Mr. Dunn returns to teach more science of the sea and sandy beach. To start thinking about what these places mean to us, we drew pictures.
Friday, October 17, 2008
October 17 in Room 11
- First the serious stuff: Precipitated by a report that students were talking about burning the playground, we had a discussion about what kinds of things are O.K. to joke or pretend about in school, and what are not. Just like it is not appropriate to yell "fire!" as a joke in a crowded room, at school we don't even pretend we have bombs, play like we are shooting people, or kid about burning down the school. We are not burying our heads in the sand. On one hand, we acknowledge recent national tragedies as we take these matters seriously. On the other, at school we really try to keep our sights on what is positive, good and worthwhile.
- We worked on and finished our bellwork packs.
- The teachers are very happy to note that many students are fixing the mistakes on their papers and handing them in again for a recheck. This shows a real seriousness about the business of learning.
- Reading Our Weekly Reader sparked some heated discussions about who should be our next president and why. The teacher was impressed at what kinds of discussions are obviously occurring at home.
- Mrs. Craig keeps raving about what good writers our second graders are. (In spite of being made the favorite screaming and running character in our Silly Story projects.)
- Music today. Always fun.
- The most fun, though, was playing with the "Splat Chart" on the Smart Board. We used a chart of 100 squares to count by 2's and 5's. We played game with it and everybody wanted to have a turn!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 16 in Room 11
- Here are samples of some silly stories :
"One day a monkey cam into my classroom It Sang a Silly song. then it did a tapdance. Finally my teacher ran home."--Spencer
"One day a budrflie came in to the clasr then it trnd in t a tigre it dinst and likt and helde up my techr and spun my techr arod finle my teckr ran hom."--Dylan
"One day a girl with a pig nose came into my classroom. It made friends with a screaming bunny. It screamed. Then my teacher screamed, too."--Zoe
"One day a gorilla came in to my classroom. it danceb then it dat it krid Finally, my teacher gave it homyrk."--Zackery
(Trying not to take anything personally here, but I am sensing a theme. Zack, however, knows that teachers should take control. Good job, Zack!)
- We had a check test in math--adding, subtracting, and adding three digits."
- Our art project was awesome! Some students needed a lot of help making their fan-jack-o-lantern faces while others learned how to make it right away and ran with it, constructing multi-colored pumpkins or smaller versions.
- Devin won a prize for cleaning up trash today.
- We are proud of our students' writing.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October 15 in Room 11
- The "What am I?" riddles turned out really well. The kids listened to riddles they had written and guessed who each other would be for Halloween.
- We studied the Weekly Reader with a partner, filling in the answers together at the back of the paper.
- Frog Pond is the game of the week in P.E. Wow! It's fun!
- Babe lost two tennis balls in the space of three minutes this morning. Although kids aim their tosses at a cone in the middle of the playground field, sometimes the balls fly backwards into the woods or waaaayyy sideways to end up on the school roof.
- What are synonyms? Two words that mean the same thing. For example: little and small; frighten and scare.
- We have two gum chewers on Friday. Congratulations, Jonathan and Meagan!
- It's been a pleasure conferencing with parents about their children this week. Sharing kid information is fun and very useful. Isn't it surprising how many of the things we notice at school also happen at home?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 14 in Room 11
- We began writing Halloween "What am I?" riddles. They are fun to guess.
- In math we are reading and writing story problems. The story problem is on of the most difficult concepts to understand and compute in all of elementary math.
- Free time today! Hard won and much appreciated.
- This morning Dylan complained to Mrs. Craig that the other classes were all getting Halloween parties. When she informed him that our class would also be having one, but not until Halloween, (which, in fact, is still two weeks away) he was delighted. I received this note on my desk his afternoon: "We ar haven a hawlwen party on the 31 on hawlwen. Dylan" Duly noted. Thanks for the reminder, Dylan.
- I am pleased that Dylan wrote this note. Not only did I receive a reminder, but I have evidence that Dylan knows how powerful writing can be, even if all the words are not spelled exactly right. We call this "Kidspell' and it is appropriate to use when you are learning.
- I also have a lovely card from Kelsey, with labeled drawings and the alphabet song written inside. Pictured on the outside are a duck, a black cloud pouring rain, and a smiling calico cat sniffing a handful of catnip offered by its master. It's a reminder for me: No matter how wet and dreary it is outside, we can still smile at the catnip we get from others. Thank-you, Kelsey.
Monday, October 13, 2008
October 13 in Room 11
- We played "Run, Octopus, Run" in P.E.
- During Reading class we practiced choral reading of poetry, then presented our poems to the rest of the class.
- Our very competitive students really got into the word game, "How Many Rhymes Can We Make in Two Minutes?" It is amazing how a timer and a team motivates some students!
- Although stores have had their displays up since mid-September, teachers are just beginning to admit that Halloween is right around the corner. We did Halloween word rhymes for bellwork today.
- In math we reviewed subtraction strategies. Some of the kids had math homework.
- Logan is saving all his extracted teeth in order to cash them in all in one lump in order to buy a Lego Space Station kit. He says if he just gets money for one tooth at a time, he tends to spend it right away, so saving teeth until he gets a pile of them is an effective savings plan. Good thinking, Logan.
Friday, October 10, 2008
October 10 in Room 11
- The kids may not have been in school today, but the teachers were!
- Teachers learned some exciting methods and ideas to use in their classrooms to make learning more interesting.
- Mrs. Stebbins and Mrs. Craig worked on filling out report cards.
- Both teachers in room 11 are excited to meet parents and be able to talk about our favorite subject: Our students!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
October 9 in room 11
- We let the butterflies go today.
- Using the pale watercolor wash done two weeks ago as a background, second graders drew black crayon pictures of Halloween or butterflies. This study in contrasts inspired some really exciting pieces.
- Library today. We got new books. Subjects of greatest interest? Dinosaurs, insects and scary stories.
- Remember: Hillcrest students have no school tomorrow.
- Next week will be early release due to report card conferences.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
October 8 in Room 11
- The butterflies are ready to be released. We will probably do that tomorrow.
- The North Bend Fire Department had an assembly at Hillcrest today. They demonstrated how to crawl on the floor if there is a fire in our home, talked about how and when to phone 911, showed everyone what fully equipped firefighters look like, and how their breathing would sound if they came into the house to do a rescue. Mr. Lucero told the students not to hide from them, because in spite of how scary they might look, they were just regular firefighters there to help. Next, the firefighters took off all their equipment, and, sure enough! Just regular people were inside all that stuff.
- The firefighters brought along Sparky, who got a lot of hugs at recess. He played basketball with the students. too.
- Hey, did you know that if you know what to add to 4 to get 12, its the same answer as subtracting 12 minus 4? Yep.
- All of our "Best Part of Me" writings are finished, except for Zoe's. Zoe has been absent.
- Get well soon, Zoe!
- We made a Venn diagram about real hippos and the silly hippos in our reading book.
- Hippopotamus means "water horse."
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
October 7 in Room 11
- Mr. Dunn taught about sandy beaches and showed pictures of animals that live there. He is a scientist who works and studies at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology.
- We made pictures using congruent triangles
- Fire drill!!!! Mrs. Slack's kids were in the middle of finger painting. They went outside with very wet, orange hands. Mrs. Slack kept telling them to hold their hands over their heads so they wouldn't get paint on anything. Then Mr. Martin congratulated everyone on what a good job they did and told all the students to clap...
- Mrs. Stebbins had to squash some inquisitiveness about spiders, as they were being collected, observed and discussed during math class.
- One of our vocabulary words is "released." Soon we will be releasing our butterflies, which hatched and are strengthening their wings, getting ready to fly away.
- In music, we sang about black cats, pumpkins and candy.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October 1 in Room 11
- In P.E. kickball was a blast! Chris explained the rules.
- "We take turns."--Kelsey
- Students did more work on the life cycle of a butterfly.
- "We learned about butterflies! We love school."--Second grader
- Most of the students have finished up their writing about their favorite body part.
- "We had a fun day. We almost got done with our favorite body part."--Teron
- Groups of students made posters to describe plane shapes in math. They labeled each shape, described it, commented on how it is different from other shapes, then noted an object with that same shape.
- Babe came to school and had a terrific time chasing the ball at recess.
- This blog-keeper will be out of school for three days. No new blog until October7.