Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29 in Room 11

  • Here is the short list of today. (Bear in mind that, although the list is short, it is Friday, the 29 of May in the second grade. There are eight more days of school left. Now use your imagination as you read.)
  • Coast Guard helicopter flies in, hovers above the playground, lowers a man to the field, then lands with all of Hillcrest watching.
  • Spelling test.
  • Music
  • Nurse Carrie shows a video and explains about good and bad touch.
  • The class did a paper of subtracting and adding in math class.
  • Students brainstorm topic sentences for a paragraph about the beach field trip.
  • It was a good day!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 29 in Room 11

  • Field trip:
  • Simpson Reef Overlook--Students used spotting scopes, seals, sea lions, kelp, boats, a whole bunch of sharks (their sharp fins were going around and around!), a whale ( the children saw the whale breach and spout. Someone saw two, maybe three, and a baby. The teachers were not sharp enough to spot any whales or sharks)
  • Sunset Beach--The second graders dug in the sand for beach hoppers and explored the tide pools. Most of the children saw hermit crabs, anemones, a gumshoe chitin, limpets, sculpin, seaweeds of different colors and red rock crabs. The teachers managed to see these things, too.
  • Bastendorf Beach Park--Everyone ate lunch and the kids had a roaring good time on the play equipment in the picnic area.
  • There were wet feet, muddy bottoms, scraped legs and two crab bites (tiny, tiny blood). On the bus home the kids complained that the bus was stinky.
  • Back to school to begin writing about the day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 28 in Room 11

  • Spelling Pre-test Gum Chewers for today--Zoe, Logan, Trinity, Samantha, Jacob, Dylan, Tawnie, Jonathan, Meagan, Spencer, Adolfo and Colby. There's been some mighty studyin' goin' on!
  • In P.E. the class played Dodgeball.
  • The class worked together to construct complete sentences that pertained to the story of the week.
  • In math, everyone is still adding and subtracting three digit numbers. Oh, those zeros are a bugaboo!
  • As a journal prompt for the story of the week, which was about a talented percussionist, students answered questions about their own talents. Several students shared their own talents with the class: magician, soccer player, singer, sign language expert...
  • Library time was changed this week because of the field trip.
  • Many students worked on their Thousands Book because they finished their math early. Ryan even finished his ABCDirections book!
  • Everyone is looking forward to the field trip to the beach. It will be an exciting day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26 in Room 11

  • The day began with music.
  • The class listened to a recording of Moses Goes to a Concert.
  • They also studied vocabulary words. Ask your second grader what "percussion" means.
  • The teacher read a new Skippy Jon Jones book. Skippy Jon is a favorite in room 11. The new book was titled Skippy Jon Jones in the Dog House.
  • The second graders had a class meeting to discuss what would be best to wear on the field trip to the beach. These are some of the things they decided: Wear tennis shoes, dress in layers, no skirts or dresses.
  • They also talked about how they should behave: Be kind to sea life, do not run up to strange dogs, no throwing sand or rocks, don't talk to strangers and do not run off!
  • In math, the students are practicing more and more regrouping. Today they had to watch carefully for the signs.
  • Everyone watched Mr. Dunn's scientist story one more time. Then they wrote about what it would take to be a good scientist.
  • At the end of the day they worked on their Thousands Book.

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22 in Room 11

  • The class made singing puppets in music class.
  • Second graders teamed up to play a rhyming game.
  • The final spelling test. was today.
  • Work continues on Oregon state information as well as memory books.
  • The crossword puzzle featured a picture of Snoopy because many of the words in it were cute, huggable words.
  • Those finished with all their work got to work on drawing lessons given from a computer site which they watched on the Smart Board.
  • There was a math review and test.
  • The teams of Ryan and Teron; and Logan and Adolfo won Hill Bills for getting all the math challenge problems correct before recess time.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21 in Room 11

  • Gum Chewers: Logan, Ryan, Zoe, Jonathan, Colby and Dylan
  • Library: Room 11 is very good at returning books. They are only missing a few and those who have them say they know where they are. Mrs. Green congratulated them today.
  • The class worked on problem-solving skills. They decided what question the problem was asking, what information was useless and whether to add or subtract.
  • Everyone took their last big reading test on the computer this morning. It was called the STAR test.
  • Everyone finished their personal narrative writing. The students are working on their second grade memory books. The autograph page was a big hit.
  • Research on the state of Oregon continues. The children are adding facts to their Oregon books.
  • During Art class, the teacher gave very specific directions on how to draw a bird. Then the students added their own details and backgrounds. Although these are not finished yet, some of the resulting pieces are worth framing!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20 in Room 11

  • Room 11-ers practiced three digit regrouping in subtraction. They know how to do it but some of them forgot and some are trying to go too fast and are missing their answers.
  • The children are busy finishing up their personal narratives.
  • Babe came to school today. She spent her favorite time of the week chasing tennis balls hurled across the playground by her favorite people, Hillcrest Hound dogs!
  • Pre-spelling test today. They haven't been corrected, so Gum chewers have not yet been notified.
  • Mrs. Craig read Dr. Seuss' Happy Birthday to You in honor of all second grade birthday kids this year.
  • Students are beginning a second-grade memory book.
  • "How old is Oregon?" and "What year was the commemorative coin for Oregon minted?" are the questions of the day as students work on a Celebrate Oregon map.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19 in Room 11

  • Students continue to work on their personal narratives. Most have begun the pre-write and a few are ready for the first draft.
  • The class worked on more three-digit subtracting with regrouping. They had to borrow from the hundreds place as well as the tens place. This is a stretch. There will be a review and many will be re-doing their work in the morning.
  • The last of the year's D.I.B.E.L.S. (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) test was administered today.
  • There is some real music making going on downstairs in the music room with Mrs. Nelson as well as up in Room 11.
  • The teacher read and everyone sang that old favorite camp song, "Down by the Bay." Then the kids practiced making up their own rhymes to go with the song. It was so much fun the teacher decided to show off the literary skills of the class.
  • Each child created and wrote a rhyme on a blank piece of paper, illustrating it with with a colorful picture. These will be assembled into a "Down by the Bay" book to be published by Room 11 Press.
  • Marathon running continues with great enthusiasm. Trinity has just completed her first marathon.
  • The teachers are still waiting for the return of many slips regarding upcoming field trips. They need to be in the teachers hands before students can go.

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18 in Room 11

  • Morning started with a favorite class: P.E.
  • Students once again are practicing regrouping in addition and subtraction
  • There is an all-school testing of reading going on in the gym, so the regular Title 1 teachers could not come in during reading class. Room 11 had reading in their own room all together this morning.
  • Second graders continue to work on telling time.
  • They drew pictures of a favorite character in Because of Winn-Dixie.
  • Students who finished their math early had a challenge. They could work with a partner on a set of word problems. If their team finished the problems correctly before recess, each member of the team received two Hill Bills. Today, six children met the challenge. Tomorrow there will be another opportunity to try with a different set of problems.
  • During writing class, everyone has been assigned to tell about an interesting event in their lives. This writing is called a "personal narrative."
  • Students who did not complete last week's writing assignment are writing in the afternoon as well.
  • Children who are finished with their Collection writing project are working with a team mate on a social studies research project about Oregon. They may come home with some interesting facts or questions about Oregon.
  • Most students are still plugging away at their Thousands Book.
  • Marathon running at recess continues with great enthusiasm. Some of the second graders are approaching six marathons!

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15 in Room 11

  • There were so many gum chewers this week that only four kids took the Friday spelling test!
  • Logan, Megan and Devin have all finished their Thousands books this week.
  • Each child has been assigned to be an expert for one letter page in the ABCDirections book. They are to finish their page before they do any others, show it to the teacher to make sure it looks like the work of an expert, then continue with the rest of the book in order.
  • The teacher finished reading Winn-Dixie. Then the students took a test on that book.
  • Students sang a Hawaiian song to Mrs. Stebbins when she visited music class today. What lovely voices!
  • Students worked the crossword by themselves. Next they worked with a partner. Many of them did not finish in time, so there will be crossword puzzle homework this weekend.
  • Fire drill this afternoon.
  • Some students are still working on their Collections writing.
  • Everyone practiced three digit regrouping in adding.
  • Second graders left for home this afternoon with a corrected work, a parent letter and a bag of goodies from Smokey Bear's presentation earlier this week.
  • Here is a site with Smokey Bear activities for kids: Google Smokey Bear. Go to the tab that says Smokey Kids. It is good reinforcement for what they learned about being safe with fires.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14 in Room 11

  • Students wrote an entry in their journals about a favorite character from a story.
  • Students were paired into teams, given a scrambled list of events and asked to cut these items apart, then palce them in correct sequential order to match the story, The Art Lesson.
  • There is still state testing int he computer lab, so the second grade did not get to go to the lab today.
  • The teacher is almost finished reading Because of Winn-Dixie.
  • Students left for home today wearing sticker reminders for the ice-cream social and book fair being held in the gym this evening from 6:00 to 8:00.
  • In math, student reviewed two and three digit adding using regrouping.
  • Shoppers had the opportunity to spend those hard-earned Hill Bills at the HIll Bill Store this afternoon.
  • The second graders followed directions to draw imaginary insects during art. When they finished drawing, they painted these creations with water colors.
  • Room 11 had library today. Each child is required to have a book at the correct reading level in his or her desk at all times.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13 in Room 11

  • The morning began with running laps to earn marathon sticks, which was a good thing, because by recess time, it was raining and no one went outdoors.
  • Pre-spelling test
  • The teacher read more of Winn-Dixie.
  • The class worked on carrying across three digits during math. Many students (hooray!!) remember this skill from a month and a half ago.
  • Smoky Bear and his buddies Camper Kyle and Camper Bob gave a play about fire safety in the gym. The second graders helped solve a puzzle, pointing out wrong things Camper Kyle did as he set up camp. No one really wanted Camper Kyle to sing, either.
  • Students are working their way through their Thousands Book. Some have begun their ABCDirections book.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12 in Room 11

  • Tuesday is a music day.
  • Students filled out a chart about the author's point of view after they read The Art Lesson," by Tomie dePaola. The story is an autobiographical narrative of the author's experiences as a youngster, and how they still affect him today.
  • The teacher continued reading "Because of Winn-Dixie."
  • In math class, the students are reviewing regrouping as they prepare to learn three digit regrouping in both adding and subtracting. Today they only carried ones to the tens column in addition.
  • Writing about their collections continues as students work to complete a writing sample required for their portfolios for next year.
  • New ABCDirection books were distributed, along with a discussion on how these books are to be used. Each child will become an expert on one or two letters, so that as children work their way through the book, they can ask the expert if they do not understand something on a particular page.
  • Devin is past 800 in his Thousands Book!

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11 in Room 11

  • In Reading, students learned about the two different sounds "oo" can make--as in "moon," or "took. The kids spent time sorting the spelling words into different categories.
  • The new reading theme is "Talent Show." The teacher discussed the theme and its related vocabulary for the wee.
  • Everyone had the opportunity to read along with Tomie dePaola as he read his own story, The Art Lesson.
  • The Book Fair is coming up P.E. time was used to preview books and write a wish list.
  • The dates are: Thursday, May 14, 2:00-8:00 PM, Friday, May 15, 2:00-8:00 PM and Monday, May 18 from 2:00 -3:30 PM.
  • Congratulations to Jonathan and Zack for winning a free book.
  • After listening to Winn-Dixie this morning, students took a test assessing their long-term comprehension about the book.
  • There was a review of telling time in math, and then a test.
  • Riley gave her speech today. After that, students began writing a paragraph about their collections. This piece will be placed in a file to be given to the teacher for next year.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8 in Room 11

  • An orchestra from Bend Middle School and the North Bend Middle School Band played for the students at Hillcrest. Room 11-ers really listened well and were a good audience. They remembered that at a concert you only show appreciation with the hands.
  • The orchestra showed four different kinds of stringed instruments: violin, viola, cello and string bass. The bigger the instrument, the deeper the sound.
  • Students finished their Mother's Day gifts. I wonder how many will wait until Sunday to present them...During Bellwork time, students had an writing activity using the letters of the word "Spring."
  • Final spelling test today.
  • In math the class worked on adding on time, as well as counting back. For example, 20 minutes before 4:15 -- draw the minute hand and write the time.
  • The class worked on their Thousands Book at the end of the day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7 in Room 11

  • Math class--BINGO game!
  • Students recorded their last observations of the sunflower experiments.
  • The conclusion for the sunflower experiment was also recorded.
  • Students finished their homophone books.
  • Library time--Room 11 children are required to take out at least one book at their reading level so they have something in their desks to read at all times. This book also comes in handy for the reading log at home.
  • The teacher read aloud from Winn-Dixie.
  • Second graders worked on their Mothers' Day gifts.
  • It is Kindergarten Round-up day at Hillcrest. Remember that long ago day?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6 in Room 11

  • Aaaaand the gum-chewers aaaare-----Colby, Jacob, Ryan, Jonathan, Garrett, and Tawnie!!! Students self-corrected their work. Teacher checked it over.
  • For bellwork, the class did both: subtraction practice, and ABC order.
  • In P.E. the class played kickball.
  • The teacher read Winn-Dixie aloud.
  • Telling time needs practice, practice, and more practice. Today the lesson zeroed in on how to say time. e.g. "Quarter to seven," "six forty-five," "Fifteen minutes before seven." They all say the same thing. It can be confusing.
  • Before school let out, students practiced in their Thousands Book.
  • The day let out early because of teacher meetings.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5 in Room 11

  • Kids in room 11 had a sub in the morning, Mr. Griffith.
  • They did more work with Winn-Dixie.
  • The students worked on telling time. They have moved from telling how many minutes after the hour it is, to telling how many minutes before the hour. Most of them need work on this concept.
  • Second graders did a clock paper today.
  • Mr. Dunn taught a lesson on snowy plovers. He showed pictures and talked about how they nest, what they like to ea,t and what people can do to help them survive.
  • Students made posters with suggestions on how to save snowy plovers.
  • Music this morning!
  • The second graders are working on their Thousands Books.
  • The sunflower seedlings in the cabinet are looking really sad...
  • Rainy day recesses today.

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4 in Room 11

  • The day started with P.E.
  • Mrs. Farlow, a very familiar teacher to many of the students, as they had her last year as first graders, was the substitute for the morning. Mrs. Craig is sick.
  • Students are working hard at learning to tell time in Math class. Some of them got a surprise when they corrected their own work today. Many of the speediest workers discovered that--Oops!--most of their answers were wrong. Perhaps slowing down and listening to the teacher might be useful.
  • Devin lost a tooth!
  • The class began making flip-books for homophones.
  • Read-aloud Winn-Dixie continues to keep the interest of the second graders.
  • At the beginning of the year, students were given a packet of papers with a large grid on each page. They were told to fill in all the squares until they got to one thousand. One student, Ryan, completed that task, and the others let the work fall by the wayside. The job is once again being tackled. Students received smaller booklets, and smaller grids, along with directions to follow as they finish each set of one hundreds. This project began today with the covers. Ryan will not be required to repeat this activity.
  • Kelsey gave her speech about her rubber duck collection. She even has a duck in a Santa outfit!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1 in Room 11

  • In math, students reviewed regrouping.
  • Later, they practiced reading clocks and filled a worksheet out. They are learning about telling time in fifteen minute intervals.
  • Students completed Science Sunflower Observation # 5.
  • Everyone took the final spelling test.
  • Kaleyah, Dylan, Monica and Spencer gave speeches. Ryan gave his again.
  • School was released early because an unconfirmed case of Swine flu was reported at the High School. While students waited to be picked up, they cleaned their desks.
  • Progress reports were distributed.
  • Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Geier for helping out this afternoon!